Monday, April 20, 2009


"Integrated marketing" is a tired cliché. How to be original now that everybody says they do it? It's a duh concept to begin with.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Global Warming

Things I don't believe: the globe is warming; anybody can really measure whether it is or is not; man makes the earth warm; we could do anything about it if we wanted to; fanatics want to cool the earth and not use the issue to denigrate the U.S.; a warmer earth is a bad thing; people would rather fix real environmental threats than worry about abstract concepts; I'm a luddite.

The high cost of "natural"

Reading about Grey Gardens and its current owners, Sally Quinn and Ed Bradlee in the NYT.

"Ms. Quinn envisioned a garden that preserved the spirit of the Beales' Grey Gardens. 'I wanted it to be wild. I wanted it to be just on the verge of being over the top,' she said. 'I wanted it to look like it happened by itself. I didn't want it to be manicured in any way, because the house isn't that way.' "

Do you know how expensive it is to replicate complete neglect?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Thin line

The line is razor thin between profundity and banality. And obscurity. An artist I like, Jenny Holzer, proves this point every day with her tweets. Unfortunately, she is banal more often than not.

I'm back

It's been a few months since I posted (or even looked at this site). I don't recognize one single thing I wrote. In fact, I wonder if someone has been posting on my site.